Line #: 17
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
04/01/2020 | Merchant Discount | 23.15 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
04/19/2020 | Merchant Discount | 43.26 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
04/26/2020 | Merchant Discount | 43.26 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
04/27/2020 | Merchant Discount | 10.36 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
04/27/2020 | Merchant Discount | 137.04 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
05/03/2020 | Merchant Discount | 317.89 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
05/10/2020 | Merchant Discount | 515.82 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
05/17/2020 | Merchant Discount | 341.05 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
05/24/2020 | Merchant Discount | 623.84 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
05/31/2020 | Merchant Discount | 670.39 |
PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110 |
06/03/2020 | Merchant Discount | 547.09 |
Rabyaah Althaibani |
301 Bay Ridge Pkwy
Brooklyn, New York 112093100 |
04/01/2020 | PR Consultant | 2000.00 |
Rabyaah Althaibani |
301 Bay Ridge Pkwy
Brooklyn, New York 112093100 |
05/01/2020 | PR Consultant | 2000.00 |
Tony Barsamian |
4216 34Th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111011110 |
04/01/2020 | Queens Gazette Print Ad | 1000.00 |
Berlin Rosen LTD |
15 Maiden Ln
Ste 1600
New York, New York 100385111 |
05/01/2020 | Print Ad Production | 5000.00 |
BQE Publishing Inc. |
4523 47Th St
# 2
Woodside, New York 113775225 |
04/17/2020 | Print Ad | 200.00 |
BQE Publishing Inc. |
4523 47Th St
# 2
Woodside, New York 113775225 |
05/30/2020 | Print Ad | 200.00 |
Ned Brown |
205 3Rd Ave
Apt 21A
New York, New York 100032552 |
04/01/2020 | Campaign Consultant | 500.00 |
ConEdison Co. |
PO Box 1702
New York, New York 100081857 |
04/20/2020 | Utility | 85.28 |
ConEdison Co. |
PO Box 1702
New York, New York 100081857 |
05/18/2020 | Utility | 92.39 |
Costco Wholesale Co. |
3250 Vernon Blvd
Astoria, New York 111064927 |
04/20/2020 | Membership Cost | 130.55 |
Democracy Engine |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/01/2020 | Merchant Discount | 745.62 |
Democracy Engine |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/17/2020 | Merchant Discount | 30.48 |
Democracy Engine |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
04/25/2020 | Merchant Discount | 0.44 |
Democracy Engine |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
05/12/2020 | Merchant Discount | 9.52 |
Democracy Engine |
850 Quincy St NW
Apt 402
Washington, DC 200115873 |
05/14/2020 | Merchant Discount | 5.65 |
East River Democratic Club |
Address Requested
New York, New York 10128 |
04/15/2020 | Donation | 250.00 |
First Bank Merchant |
PO Box 70222
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760222 |
04/04/2020 | Merchant Service Fee | 54.95 |
First Bank Merchant |
PO Box 70222
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760222 |
04/06/2020 | Merchant Service Discount | 9.95 |
First Bank Merchant |
PO Box 70222
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760222 |
05/04/2020 | Merchant Fee | 29.95 |
First Bank Merchant |
PO Box 70222
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760222 |
05/04/2020 | Merchant Discount | 9.95 |
First Bank Merchant |
PO Box 70222
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760222 |
06/03/2020 | Merchant Discount | 54.95 |
First Bank Merchant |
PO Box 70222
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191760222 |
06/03/2020 | Merchant Service Fee | 9.95 |
Harlem Strategies |
193 Malcolm X Blvd
Ste 1
New York, New York 100261378 |
04/01/2020 | NY FR Consultant | 6000.00 |
Harlem Strategies |
193 Malcolm X Blvd
Ste 1
New York, New York 100261378 |
05/04/2020 | NY FR Consultant | 3000.00 |
Harlem Strategies |
193 Malcolm X Blvd
Ste 1
New York, New York 100261378 |
05/15/2020 | FR Consultant | 1000.00 |
Harlem Strategies |
193 Malcolm X Blvd
Ste 1
New York, New York 100261378 |
06/03/2020 | NY FR Consultant | 3000.00 |
Helen Milby & Co. |
Address Requested
New York, New York 10128 |
05/01/2020 | DC FR Consultant | 6000.00 |
Jewish Post |
31 E 32Nd St
Fl 3
New York, New York 100165596 |
04/17/2020 | Print Ad | 500.00 |
Jewish Post |
31 E 32Nd St
Fl 3
New York, New York 100165596 |
04/23/2020 | Print Ad | 350.00 |
Lake Research Partners |
1726 M St NW
Ste 1100
Washington, DC 200364528 |
05/05/2020 | Polling Cost | 12698.10 |
Lake Research Partners |
1726 M St NW
Ste 1100
Washington, DC 200364528 |
05/21/2020 | Polling Cost | 35622.50 |
Left Word Solutions LLC |
16 94Th St
Apt 6A
Brooklyn, New York 112096646 |
04/01/2020 | Communications Director | 10000.00 |
Left Word Solutions LLC |
16 94Th St
Apt 6A
Brooklyn, New York 112096646 |
04/02/2020 | Communications Director | 10000.00 |
Left Word Solutions LLC |
16 94Th St
Apt 6A
Brooklyn, New York 112096646 |
04/18/2020 | Communications Director | 10221.85 |
Left Word Solutions LLC |
16 94Th St
Apt 6A
Brooklyn, New York 112096646 |
05/05/2020 | Communications Director | 10000.00 |
Adrien G. Lesser |
200 E 66Th St
Apt B701
New York, New York 100659181 |
04/17/2020 | Transportation Cost | 138.00 |
Andrew Lowenthal |
415 2Nd St NE
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200024900 |
04/14/2020 | Campaign Consultant | 2000.00 |
Andrew Lowenthal |
415 2Nd St NE
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200024900 |
05/04/2020 | Campaign Consultant | 2000.00 |
Andrew Lowenthal |
415 2Nd St NE
Ste 200
Washington, DC 200024900 |
06/03/2020 | Campaign Consultant | 2000.00 |
Mark Guma Communications Inc. |
211 W 107Th St
New York, New York 100253099 |
05/05/2020 | Campaign Mailing | 53610.00 |
Mark Guma Communications Inc. |
211 W 107Th St
New York, New York 100253099 |
05/13/2020 | Campaign Mailing Cost | 72550.00 |
Mark Guma Communications Inc. |
211 W 107Th St
New York, New York 100253099 |
05/20/2020 | Campaign Mailing | 47250.00 |
Mark Guma Communications Inc. |
211 W 107Th St
New York, New York 100253099 |
06/03/2020 | Campaign Mailing | 48650.00 |
Nina Neivens |
26 E 93Rd St
New York, New York 101280626 |
04/03/2020 | Office Rent not a Reimbursement | 2100.00 |
New Blue Interactive LLC |
1146 19Th St NW
Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363740 |
05/18/2020 | Online and Digital Fundraising Consultan | 20750.00 |
New Blue Interactive LLC |
1146 19Th St NW
Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363740 |
05/18/2020 | Processing Fee | 2.50 |
New Blue Interactive LLC |
1146 19Th St NW
Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363740 |
06/03/2020 | Social Media Ad | 37500.00 |
New Blue Interactive LLC |
1146 19Th St NW
Ste 750
Washington, DC 200363740 |
06/03/2020 | Merchant Processing Fee | 2.50 |
NY Prints |
1105 44Th Dr
Long Island City, New York 111015107 |
04/01/2020 | Campaign Materials | 1500.00 |
NY Prints |
1105 44Th Dr
Long Island City, New York 111015107 |
05/27/2020 | Petitions Printing Cost | 952.66 |
NY Prints |
1105 44Th Dr
Long Island City, New York 111015107 |
06/01/2020 | Campaign Materials | 348.40 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
04/01/2020 | Payroll | 16000.00 |
Matthew Koos |
1699 Lexington Ave
Apt 1A
New York, New York 100293917 |
04/01/2020 | Campaign Manager | 7500.00 |
Adrien G. Lesser |
200 E 66Th St
Apt B701
New York, New York 100659181 |
04/01/2020 | Campaign Worker | 3000.00 |
Kendra A. Uhl |
63 Roebling St
Apt 2
Brooklyn, New York 112112262 |
04/01/2020 | Field Director | 5500.00 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
04/01/2020 | Payroll Taxes | 7370.66 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
04/10/2020 | Payroll Processing Fee | 158.82 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
04/30/2020 | Payroll | 16500.00 |
Matthew Koos |
1699 Lexington Ave
Apt 1A
New York, New York 100293917 |
04/30/2020 | Campaign Manager | 7500.00 |
Adrien G. Lesser |
200 E 66Th St
Apt B701
New York, New York 100659181 |
04/30/2020 | Campaign Staff | 3500.00 |
Kendra A. Uhl |
63 Roebling St
Apt 2
Brooklyn, New York 112112262 |
04/30/2020 | Field Director | 5500.00 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
05/01/2020 | Payroll | 16500.00 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
05/01/2020 | Payroll Taxes | 7370.66 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
05/11/2020 | Payroll Processing Fee | 170.82 |
Paychex Payroll |
135 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Montvale, New Jersey 076451152 |
05/29/2020 | Payroll Taxes | 7370.66 |
Allegro R.E. |
64 E 111Th St
Apt 612
New York, New York 100292686 |
04/28/2020 | Bookkeeping | 1000.00 |
June Silverberg |
4141 Chilberg Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981163529 |
04/01/2020 | DC FR Consultant | 3773.22 |
June Silverberg |
4141 Chilberg Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981163529 |
05/01/2020 | DC FR Consultant | 3000.00 |
June Silverberg |
4141 Chilberg Ave SW
Seattle, Washington 981163529 |
06/01/2020 | DC FR Consultant | 3000.00 |
Staples Co. |
PO Box 182378
Columbus, Ohio 432182378 |
04/17/2020 | Office Supploes | 1389.87 |
Staples Co. |
PO Box 182378
Columbus, Ohio 432182378 |
05/15/2020 | Office Supplies | 1022.55 |
Marcia Dickstein Sudolsky |
131 E 93Rd St
Apt 1CD
New York, New York 101281606 |
04/01/2020 | NY FR Consultant | 2000.00 |
Marcia Dickstein Sudolsky |
131 E 93Rd St
Apt 1CD
New York, New York 101281606 |
05/05/2020 | NY FR Consultant | 2000.00 |
Suntrust Merchant Services |
PO Box 6600
Hagerstown, Maryland 217416600 |
04/13/2020 | Merchant Interchange | 1009.58 |
Suntrust Merchant Services |
PO Box 6600
Hagerstown, Maryland 217416600 |
04/14/2020 | Merchant Fee | 29.30 |
Suntrust Merchant Services |
PO Box 6600
Hagerstown, Maryland 217416600 |
04/30/2020 | Merchant Discount | 495.32 |
Suntrust Merchant Services |
PO Box 6600
Hagerstown, Maryland 217416600 |
05/12/2020 | Merchant Discount | 23.20 |
The Service Gazette |
4216 34Th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111011110 |
04/01/2020 | Print Ad | 155.00 |
The Service Gazette |
4216 34Th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111011110 |
04/06/2020 | Print Ad | 155.00 |
The Service Gazette |
4216 34Th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111011110 |
04/17/2020 | Print Ad | 155.00 |
The Service Gazette |
4216 34Th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111011110 |
04/21/2020 | Print Ad | 155.00 |
The Service Gazette |
4216 34Th Ave
Long Island City, New York 111011110 |
05/19/2020 | Print Ad | 155.00 |
The State Insurance Fund. Co. |
PO Box 5261
Binghamton, New York 139025261 |
05/28/2020 | Workers Comp | 825.00 |
Dewey Thompson |
Address Requested
New York, New York 10128 |
04/01/2020 | Video | 1000.00 |
Todd Shapiro Associates |
62 Sackett St
Hicksville, New York 118012820 |
04/01/2020 | PR Consultant | 1000.00 |
Andrew Tulloch |
1612 Sterling Dr
Florham Park, New Jersey 079323035 |
05/21/2020 | Legal Fee | 2500.00 |
USPS Moto |
PO Box 219424
Kansas City, Missouri 641219424 |
05/21/2020 | Mailing Cost | 4400.00 |
Sabrina M. Valenti |
60 Lake Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112233643 |
04/11/2020 | Campaign Helper | 400.00 |
Sabrina M. Valenti |
60 Lake Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112233643 |
04/25/2020 | Campaign Helper | 400.00 |
Sabrina M. Valenti |
60 Lake Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112233643 |
05/09/2020 | Campaign Helper | 400.00 |
Sabrina M. Valenti |
60 Lake Pl
Brooklyn, New York 112233643 |
05/23/2020 | Campaign Helper | 400.00 |
Verizon Center |
601 F St NW
Washington, DC 200041605 |
05/11/2020 | Phone | 298.45 |
Verizon Center |
601 F St NW
Washington, DC 200041605 |
05/19/2020 | Phone | 204.64 |
Verizon |
PO Box 15124
Albany, New York 122125124 |
04/14/2020 | Phone | 299.65 |
Verizon |
PO Box 15124
Albany, New York 122125124 |
04/14/2020 | Phone | 387.38 |
Verizon |
PO Box 15124
Albany, New York 122125124 |
05/14/2020 | Phone | 253.40 |
Votesane PAC |
PO Box 2713
Alexandria, Virginia 223010713 |
04/28/2020 | Processing Fee | 25.00 |
Votesane PAC |
PO Box 2713
Alexandria, Virginia 223010713 |
05/19/2020 | Merchant Discount | 50.00 |
Votesane PAC |
PO Box 2713
Alexandria, Virginia 223010713 |
06/03/2020 | Processing Fee | 50.00 |
West Wing Writers |
1150 Connecticut Ave NW
Ste 505
Washington, DC 200364138 |
05/12/2020 | Speech Writing Consultant | 4000.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 523292.47 |
Total Memo Amount | 32500 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 105 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 6 |