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Federal Election Commission


Line #: 17


Disbursement To Address Election Type Date of Disbursement Extra Description Amount This Period Text Memo
ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

04/14/2015 Contribution Processing Fee 39.50

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

04/24/2015 Contribution Processing Fee 19.75

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

05/01/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 42.57

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

05/13/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 114.55

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

05/20/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 904.57

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

05/28/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 442.40

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

06/04/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 23.70

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

06/10/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 294.28

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

06/17/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 470.05

ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 382110
Cambridge, Massachusetts 022382110

06/22/2015 Contribution Processing Fees 49.38

American Airlines PO Box 619616
Dallas, Texas 75261

06/03/2015 Candidate Travel 428.10

American Airlines PO Box 619616
Dallas, Texas 75261

05/22/2015 Candidate Travel 404.60

Amtrack 60 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 200024285

06/08/2015 Candidate Travel 158.00

Apple Store 2123 Glendale Galleria
Glendale, California 912102101

06/06/2015 Laptop Computer 1301.68

Apple Store 2123 Glendale Galleria
Glendale, California 912102101

05/20/2015 iPad Data Service 3.99

Apple Store 2123 Glendale Galleria
Glendale, California 912102101

06/20/2015 iPad Data Service 3.99

Apple Store 2123 Glendale Galleria
Glendale, California 912102101

04/12/2015 iPad Data Service 3.99

Arum Group, LLC 625 Third Sreet, NE Suite 2
Washington, DC 200024942

05/05/2015 Reimb. Postage 49.00

Arum Group, LLC 625 Third Sreet, NE Suite 2
Washington, DC 200024942

04/30/2015 Fundraising Services 5000.00

Arum Group, LLC 625 Third Sreet, NE Suite 2
Washington, DC 200024942

04/20/2015 Reimb. 4/16 Event Expense 60.00

Arum Group, LLC 625 Third Sreet, NE Suite 2
Washington, DC 200024942

05/29/2015 Fundraising Services 5000.00

Arum Group, LLC 625 Third Sreet, NE Suite 2
Washington, DC 200024942

06/30/2015 Fundraising Services 5000.00

Arum Group, LLC 625 Third Sreet, NE Suite 2
Washington, DC 200024942

06/15/2015 Reimb. Fundraising Expenses 123.43

Assets Consulting Services PO Box 6410
Falls Church, Virginia 22040

05/11/2015 4/30 Event - Fundraising Services 350.00

AT&T Mobility PO Box 6463
Carol Stream, Illinois 601976463

05/21/2015 Hotspot Service 36.79

AT&T Mobility PO Box 6463
Carol Stream, Illinois 601976463

04/14/2015 Hotspot Service 36.55

AT&T Mobility PO Box 6463
Carol Stream, Illinois 601976463

06/18/2015 Hotspot Service 36.79

AT&T PO Box 5025
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975025

06/15/2015 Internet Service 35.00

AT&T PO Box 5025
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975025

06/05/2015 Office Phone Service 304.41

AT&T PO Box 5025
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975025

04/20/2015 Internet Service 35.00

AT&T PO Box 5025
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975025

04/13/2015 Office Phone Service 282.10

AT&T PO Box 5025
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975025

05/01/2015 Office Phone Service 283.48

AT&T PO Box 5025
Carol Stream, Illinois 601975025

05/18/2015 Internet Service 35.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

05/06/2015 Parking 6.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

05/01/2015 Staff Monthly Parking 110.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

04/01/2015 Parking 6.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

04/02/2015 Parking 6.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

04/06/2015 Staff Monthly Parking 110.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

06/01/2015 Staff Monthly Parking 105.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

06/30/2015 Parking 6.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

06/26/2015 Staff Monthly Parking 105.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

05/08/2015 Parking 6.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

05/26/2015 Parking 6.00

Athena Parking 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

05/27/2015 Parking 6.00

Austin Egoscue Development 9869 Easton Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902101416

06/23/2015 Reimb. Travel Expenses 2168.99

Austin Egoscue Development 9869 Easton Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902101416

06/30/2015 Fundraising Services 6500.00

Austin Egoscue Development 9869 Easton Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902101416

04/07/2015 Reimb. Fundraising Lunch 135.78

Austin Egoscue Development 9869 Easton Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902101416

04/30/2015 Fundraising Services 6500.00

Austin Egoscue Development 9869 Easton Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902101416

05/13/2015 Reimb. Fundraising Lunch & Parking 211.02

Austin Egoscue Development 9869 Easton Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902101416

05/29/2015 Fundraising Services 6500.00

Barwood Taxi 4900 Nicholson Ct.
Kensington, Maryland 208951076

06/04/2015 Candidate Travel - Taxi 42.00

Barwood Taxi 4900 Nicholson Ct.
Kensington, Maryland 208951076

06/08/2015 Candidate Travel - Taxi 31.00

Barwood Taxi 4900 Nicholson Ct.
Kensington, Maryland 208951076

06/01/2015 Candidate Travel - Taxi 32.00

Talia Bender 4630 Noeline Avenue
Los Angeles, California 91436

05/05/2015 5/5 Event - Food & Beverage 299.88

Bistro Bis 15 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

06/18/2015 Breakfast Meeting 41.00

Calif. Democratic Party 1401 21st Street Suite 200
Sacramento, California 95811

05/20/2015 Convention Virtual Banner 500.00

Calif. Democratic Party 1401 21st Street Suite 200
Sacramento, California 95811

04/20/2015 State Convention - Registration 180.00

Charles Schwab 800 E. Franklin Street
Centerville, Ohio 454595618

04/10/2015 Investment Management Fee 919.00

CK Design 1000 Gunderson Ave.
Oak Park, Illinois 603042118

04/17/2015 Invite Design 200.00

Dell Computer 1 Dell Way
Round Rock, Texas 786827000

04/18/2015 Dell Desktop Computer 817.24

Delta Air Lines PO Box 20706
Atlanta, Georgia 303206001

05/21/2015 Candidate Travel 249.10

Harman Press 6840 Vineland Ave.
North Hollywood, California 91605

05/27/2015 Campaign Buttons 488.32

Hilton Hotel 777 W. Convention Way
Anaheim, California 92802

05/18/2015 CA Dem Convention - Lodging 663.50

Hilton Hotel 777 W. Convention Way
Anaheim, California 92802

05/14/2015 Delegate Breakfast 270.00

Hilton Mix Restaurant 777 W. Convention Way
Anaheim, California 92802

05/15/2015 Meeting - Beverages 35.89

Hilton Mix Restaurant 777 W. Convention Way
Anaheim, California 92802

05/15/2015 CA Dem Convention - Dinner 96.24

Hilton Mix Restaurant 777 W. Convention Way
Anaheim, California 92802

05/16/2015 CA Dem Convention - Lunch 235.45

Hilton Mix Restaurant 777 W. Convention Way
Anaheim, California 92802

05/17/2015 CA Dem Convention - Breakfast 144.20

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

05/01/2015 Office Rent 1204.33

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

04/01/2015 Office Rent 1204.33

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce 350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, California 90017

06/01/2015 Office Rent 1204.33

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

06/15/2015 Staff Payroll 2000.00

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

06/15/2015 Reimb. Campaign Travel 485.95

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

06/26/2015 Staff Payroll 2000.00

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

04/15/2015 Staff Payroll 2000.00

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

04/30/2015 Staff Payroll 2000.00

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

05/29/2015 Reimb. Office Supplies 47.92

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

05/29/2015 Reimb. Parking - CA Dem Convention 32.00

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

05/29/2015 Reimb. Travel Expenses 68.78

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

05/29/2015 Staff Payroll 2000.00

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

05/14/2015 Reimb. Office Supplies & Parking 85.41

Adam Ma 6066 Cashio Street
Los Angeles, California 90035

05/15/2015 Staff Payroll 2000.00

Mandate Media PO Box 80151
Portland, Oregon 97280

05/06/2015 Consulting & Web Services 1650.00

Mandate Media PO Box 80151
Portland, Oregon 97280

04/06/2015 Consulting & Web Services 1650.00

Mandate Media PO Box 80151
Portland, Oregon 97280

06/05/2015 Consulting & Web Services 1650.00

Merchant Bankcard 1 Western Maryland Pkwy
Hagerstown, Maryland 217405146

06/03/2015 Credit Card Processing Fees 165.26

Merchant Bankcard 1 Western Maryland Pkwy
Hagerstown, Maryland 217405146

04/03/2015 Credit Card Processing Fees 621.64

Merchant Bankcard 1 Western Maryland Pkwy
Hagerstown, Maryland 217405146

05/04/2015 Credit Card Processing Fees 449.86

MK Catering 5724 Lafayette Place
Hyattsville, Maryland 20781

04/28/2015 4/28 Event - Catering 917.48

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE
Washington, DC 200034006

05/05/2015 Capital Assessment 10.00

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE
Washington, DC 200034006

05/27/2015 Capital Assessment 10.00

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE
Washington, DC 200034006

05/29/2015 4/21 Event - Catering 212.90

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE
Washington, DC 200034006

06/05/2015 5/20 Event - Catering 662.60

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE
Washington, DC 200034006

06/23/2015 Capital Assessment 10.00

National Democratic Club 30 Ivy Street, SE
Washington, DC 200034006

06/30/2015 6/17 Event - Catering 1317.98

New York Grill 950 Ontario Mills Drive
Ontario, California 91764

05/26/2015 5/26 Event - Catering 768.00

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th Street, NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 200055006

04/08/2015 Campaign Office Software 1500.00

NGP VAN, Inc. 1101 15th Street, NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 200055006

04/08/2015 Contribution Web Package 450.00

Michael Nielsen 19800 Friar Street
Woodland Hills, California 913672806

04/30/2015 Accounting & Reporting Services 1500.00

Michael Nielsen 19800 Friar Street
Woodland Hills, California 913672806

05/29/2015 Accounting & Reporting Services 1500.00

Michael Nielsen 19800 Friar Street
Woodland Hills, California 913672806

06/30/2015 Accounting & Reporting Services 1500.00

Pacific Palms One Industry Hills Parkway
City of Industry, California 91744

06/24/2015 8/14 Event - Deposit 1000.00

Perkins Coie LLP 1201 3rd Avenue, 40th Floor
Seattle, Washington 981013029

06/30/2015 Legal Compliance Assistance 552.00

Perkins Coie LLP 1201 3rd Avenue, 40th Floor
Seattle, Washington 981013029

05/29/2015 Legal Compliance Assistance 60.00

Perkins Coie LLP 1201 3rd Avenue, 40th Floor
Seattle, Washington 981013029

05/04/2015 Legal Compliance Assistance 1007.82

Eloise Reyes 11900 Honey Hill Drive
Grand Terrace, California 92313

05/26/2015 5/26 Event - Food, Beverages, Music 1137.27

Daphna Salimpour 1158 Summit Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210

05/06/2015 5/6 Event - Catering, Valet, Servers 2525.00

Dr. Pejman Salimpour 1158 Summit Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210

05/06/2015 5/6 Event - Catering, Valet, Servers 2525.00

Sheraton Grand Hotel 1230 J Street
Sacramento, California 958142907

06/15/2015 6/1 Event - Room Rental & Catering 979.54

Sonoma Restaurant 223 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20003

04/21/2015 4/21 Event - Cancellation Fee 250.00

Southwest Airlines PO Box 36647
Dallas, Texas 752351647

05/21/2015 Candidate Travel 79.00

TAPCO Insurance Services 3060 South Church Street
Burlington, North Carolina 27216

04/07/2015 4/15 Event - Insurance 305.00

United Air PO Box 66100
Chicago, Illinois 60666

05/21/2015 Candidate Travel 321.10

United Air PO Box 66100
Chicago, Illinois 60666

05/21/2015 Candidate Travel 937.60

Verizon Wireless PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108

06/09/2015 Cell Phone Service 181.73

Verizon Wireless PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108

05/05/2015 Cell Phone Service 84.08

Verizon Wireless PO Box 660108
Dallas, Texas 752660108

04/06/2015 Cell Phone Service 266.13

W. Millar & Company 1335 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 200053610

04/15/2015 4/15 Event - Catering 1054.33

Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) 0
Total Memo Amount 0
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 118
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Thu Jan 16 14:46:56 2025