All Listed Line Numbers
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
A & D Cleaning Service, LLC |
2878 Ft. Scott Dr. #101
Arlington, Virginia 222022347 |
08/31/2022 | Headquarters Account - Cleaning | 330.00 |
ADT Security Systems |
PO Box 371878
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152507878 |
08/05/2022 | Headquarters Account - Security System | 74.61 |
Airbnb, Inc. |
888 Brannan Street
San Francisco, California 941030000 |
08/18/2022 | Staff Travel - Hotel | 1295.14 | 1631401SBSB21B.167905 | MEMO |
Mr. David Aitken |
1240 N Ogden St Apt 4
Denver, Colorado 802181930 |
08/17/2022 | Civi-CRM & Campaign Support | 666.25 |
Mr. David Aitken |
1240 N Ogden St Apt 4
Denver, Colorado 802181930 |
08/31/2022 | Civi-CRM & Campaign Support | 1115.00 |
Alexandria Renew Ent. |
PO Box 26428
Alexandria, Virginia 223136428 |
08/26/2022 | Headquarters Account - Sewer | 39.42 |
| |
1200 12th Avenue South #1200
Seattle, Washington 981442734 |
08/08/2022 | Office Supplies | 220.05 | 1631401SBSB21B.167907 | MEMO |
Amazon Cloud Services |
1200 12th Avenue South #1200
Seattle, Washington 981442734 |
08/04/2022 | Cloud Web Server | 17.33 | 1631401SBSB21B.167906 | MEMO |
AT&T |
PO Box 536216
Atlanta, Georgia 303536216 |
08/04/2022 | Wireless Wi-Fi Router | 68.38 | 1631401SBSB21B.167908 | MEMO |
B & B Duplicators |
818 18th Street NW LL15
Washington, DC 200060000 |
08/01/2022 | Non Candidate Party Printing Serv | 3513.30 | 1631401SBSB21B.167909 | MEMO |
BB&T Truist Bank |
1717 King St
Alexandria, Virginia 223140000 |
08/31/2022 | Bank Service Charge | 12.90 |
BB&T Truist Visa |
PO BOX 580340
Charlotte, North Carolina 282580340 |
08/31/2022 | Credit Card Payment See Memo | 28366.83 |
Better Termite & Pest Control, Inc. |
2647 Duke St
Alexandria, Virginia 223144593 |
08/16/2022 | Headquarters Account - Pest Control Ser | 81.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167910 | MEMO |
Blackbaud, Inc. |
PO Box 844827
Boston, Massachusetts 022844827 |
08/31/2022 | Credit Card Processing Fee | 590.83 |
Andrew Burns |
470 3rd St S Unit 616
St. Petersburg, Florida 337014646 |
08/08/2022 | Affiliate Support Services | 9946.71 |
Capitol Promotions, Inc. |
PO box 231
249 N. Kenswick Ave
Glenside, Pennsylvania 190380000 |
08/28/2022 | LP Political Materials | 1485.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167911 | MEMO |
CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc. |
PO Box 79749
Baltimore, Maryland 212790749 |
08/01/2022 | Employee health and Dental | 3377.37 |
Comcast |
PO Box 37601
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191010601 |
08/19/2022 | Cable Internet & Phone | 713.40 | 1631401SBSB21B.167912 | MEMO |
Bekah Congdon |
7113 Avery Rd
Live Oak, Texas 782335465 |
08/08/2022 | Reimbursed Travel Expenses (See Memo) | 458.96 |
Rebekah Gwen Congdon |
7113 Avery Rd
Live Oak, Texas 782335465 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1397.62 |
Johnathan Cooley |
89 Morning Dew Rd
Laurel, Mississippi 394430000 |
08/17/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1717.18 |
Johnathan Cooley |
89 Morning Dew Rd
Laurel, Mississippi 394430000 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2079.39 |
Gabrielle S. Cordova |
6560 Wetherole St Apt 4A
Apt 4A
Rego Park, New York 113744725 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 3190.68 |
Gabrielle S. Cordova |
6560 Wetherole St Apt 4A
Apt 4A
Rego Park, New York 113744725 |
08/17/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2009.63 |
Gabrielle S. Cordova |
6560 Wetherole St Apt 4A
Apt 4A
Rego Park, New York 113744725 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2009.62 |
CoreSpace, Inc. |
7505 John W. Carpenter Fwy
Dallas, Texas 752470000 |
08/02/2022 | Monthly Server Hosting Fee | 451.14 | 1631401SBSB21B.167913 | MEMO |
Digital Ocean, Inc. |
101 6th Ave
New York, New York 100130000 |
08/02/2022 | Software | 6.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167914 | MEMO |
Dominion Virginia Power |
PO Box 26543
Richmond, Virginia 232900001 |
08/10/2022 | Headquarters Account - Electric | 356.11 |
Dropbox, Inc. |
185 Berry St STE 400
San Francisco, California 941070000 |
08/16/2022 | File Sharing Software | 19.99 | 1631401SBSB21B.167915 | MEMO |
Duracard, Inc. |
8800 Foundry St.
Savage, Maryland 207639512 |
08/03/2022 | Membership Card Materials | 213.75 | 1631401SBSB21B.167916 | MEMO | |
Floor 3 Lawley House
Cork City Ireland, Foreign Country 20000 |
08/01/2022 | Candidate Canvassing Software | 1616.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167917 | MEMO |
Paula Edwards |
P.O. Box 55456
Washington, DC 200065456 |
08/01/2022 | Legal Fund Account - FEC Compliance | 2000.00 |
Extra Space Storage |
8000 Southpark Way
Littleton, Colorado 801200000 |
08/17/2022 | Storage | 277.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167918 | MEMO |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/03/2022 | Federal Withholding | 2037.00 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/03/2022 | Medicare Company | 249.32 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/03/2022 | Medicare Employee | 249.32 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/03/2022 | Social Security Company | 1066.04 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/03/2022 | Social Security Employee | 1066.04 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/17/2022 | Federal Unemployment | 13.29 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/17/2022 | Federal Withholding | 1832.00 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/17/2022 | Medicare Company | 224.77 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/17/2022 | Medicare Employee | 224.77 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/17/2022 | Social Security Company | 961.09 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/17/2022 | Social Security Employee | 961.09 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/31/2022 | Federal Unemployment | 44.03 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/31/2022 | Federal Withholding | 2740.00 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/31/2022 | Medicare Company | 299.90 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/31/2022 | Medicare Employee | 299.90 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/31/2022 | Social Security Company | 1282.32 |
Financial Agent Federal Tax Deposit |
PO Box 970030
St. Louis, Missouri 631970030 |
08/31/2022 | Social Security Employee | 1282.32 |
FP Mailing Solutions |
PO Box 157
Bedford Park, Illinois 604990157 |
08/31/2022 | Postage & Meter Resets | 590.00 |
Free State Project, Inc. |
373 South Willow Street #161
Manchester, New Hampshire 031030000 |
08/17/2022 | Outreach Event Fee | 225.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167920 | MEMO |
Frye & Company, CPAs |
9161 Liberia Avenue, Suite 304
Manassas, Virginia 201100000 |
08/08/2022 | Annual Audit | 17500.00 |
Frye & Company, CPAs |
9161 Liberia Avenue, Suite 304
Manassas, Virginia 201100000 |
08/08/2022 | Annual Audit | 500.00 |
|, Inc. |
14455 N Hayden Rd # 226
Scottsdale, Arizona 852606993 |
08/31/2022 | Web Domain Purchase | 18.16 | 1631401SBSB21B.167973 | MEMO |
Google, Inc. |
1600 Amphitheatre Prky
Mt. View, California 940431351 |
08/02/2022 | GSuite Hosting Fees | 823.10 | 1631401SBSB21B.167921 | MEMO |
Oliver Hall |
1835 16th St NW #5
Washington, DC 200090000 |
08/31/2022 | Legal Fund Account - Legal Retainer | 4500.00 |
Caryn Ann Harlos |
874 S Lindsey St.
Castle Rock, Colorado 801048917 |
08/31/2022 | Reimbursed Expense See Memo | 18.16 |
Mr. Tyler John Harris |
6954 Gillis Way
Gainesville, Virginia 201551697 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2953.22 |
Mr. Tyler John Harris |
6954 Gillis Way
Gainesville, Virginia 201551697 |
08/17/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2953.20 |
Mr. Tyler John Harris |
6954 Gillis Way
Gainesville, Virginia 201551697 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2953.21 |
Hilton Hotels Inc. |
9336 Civic Center Drive
Beverly Hills, California 902100000 |
08/03/2022 | Staff Travel - Hotel | 10042.13 | 1631401SBSB21B.167922 | MEMO |
Mr. Andrew Hreha |
1814 Acheson Ave
PO Box 284
North Apollo, Pennsylvania 156731015 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1304.48 |
Mr. Andrew Hreha |
1814 Acheson Ave
PO Box 284
North Apollo, Pennsylvania 156731015 |
08/17/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1298.58 |
Mr. Andrew Hreha |
1814 Acheson Ave
PO Box 284
North Apollo, Pennsylvania 156731015 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1343.82 |
Matthew Hudson |
120 Ash St
Mountaintop Creative Group
Gardner, Massachusetts 014402130 |
08/17/2022 | Graphic Design Services | 1800.00 |
Elaine Huston |
1115 Town Creek Dr Unit 455
Austin, Texas 787411517 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 3439.70 |
Robert Johnston |
PO Box 1633
Bel Air, Maryland 210147633 |
08/08/2022 | Contract labor admin services | 270.00 |
Joinery |
500 W. Woodard St.
Denison, Texas 750200000 |
08/17/2022 | Custom Software Code for CRM | 945.00 |
Prof. Robert Steven Kraus |
1717 N Bayshore Dr Apt 1636
Miami, Florida 331321153 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2000.28 |
Prof. Robert Steven Kraus |
1717 N Bayshore Dr Apt 1636
Miami, Florida 331321153 |
08/17/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2000.30 |
Prof. Robert Steven Kraus |
1717 N Bayshore Dr Apt 1636
Miami, Florida 331321153 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 2000.29 |
Lexis-Nexis t/a Accurint |
P.O. Box 538358
Atlanta, Georgia 303538358 |
08/16/2022 | Address - Phone Verifications | 105.19 | 1631401SBSB21B.167923 | MEMO |
LPCA - LP California |
770 L Street #950
Sacramento, California 958140000 |
08/19/2022 | Donation to Affiliate - Non Federal | 200.00 |
LPNM - LP New Mexico |
8100 Wyoming Ave Ste M4-341
Albuquerque, New Mexico 871130000 |
08/19/2022 | Donation to Affiliate - Non Federal | 145.00 |
Mrs. Michelle Renea MacCutcheon |
18 Ross St
Lebanon, Ohio 450362024 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 314.61 |
Marcela's Bakery |
3856 Mt Vernon Ave,
Alexandria, Virginia 223050000 |
08/08/2022 | Travel - Food | 125.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.168001 | MEMO |
Marriott Hotels |
1 Marriott Drive
Washington, DC 200580000 |
08/08/2022 | Travel - Hotel | 358.95 | 1631401SBSB21B.168022 | MEMO |
Marriott Hotels |
1 Marriott Drive
Washington, DC 200580000 |
08/24/2022 | Travel - Hotel | 825.32 | 1631401SBSB21B.167924 | MEMO |
Master Print - Vomela, Inc. |
PO Box 1467
Newington, Virginia 221221467 |
08/08/2022 | Non Candidate Party Printing Serv | 400.15 |
Master Print - Vomela, Inc. |
PO Box 1467
Newington, Virginia 221221467 |
08/17/2022 | Non Candidate Party Printing Serv | 2291.40 |
Merchant Services |
890 Mountain Ave
New Providence, New Jersey 079740000 |
08/31/2022 | Merch Processing Fee | 153.63 |
Microsoft Corp. |
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 980528300 |
08/04/2022 | Software | 7.20 | 1631401SBSB21B.167925 | MEMO |
Miller's Office Products, Inc. |
PO Box 1537
Newington, Virginia 221221537 |
08/17/2022 | Office Supplies | 87.71 |
MJW Consulting |
19 W 24th Street
New York, New York 100100000 |
08/07/2022 | Plugin Extension | 185.22 | 1631401SBSB21B.167926 | MEMO |
New York Dept of Tax & Finance |
W. A. Harriman Campus
Albany, New York 122270125 |
08/03/2022 | NY - City Resident | 178.96 |
New York Dept of Tax & Finance |
W. A. Harriman Campus
Albany, New York 122270125 |
08/03/2022 | NY - Withholding | 246.17 |
New York Dept of Tax & Finance |
W. A. Harriman Campus
Albany, New York 122270125 |
08/17/2022 | NY - City Resident | 98.32 |
New York Dept of Tax & Finance |
W. A. Harriman Campus
Albany, New York 122270125 |
08/17/2022 | NY - Withholding | 131.40 |
New York Dept of Tax & Finance |
W. A. Harriman Campus
Albany, New York 122270125 |
08/31/2022 | NY - City Resident | 98.32 |
New York Dept of Tax & Finance |
W. A. Harriman Campus
Albany, New York 122270125 |
08/31/2022 | NY - Withholding | 131.40 |
Northern Nye Printing |
3115 N Robinson Dr.
Waco, Texas 767060000 |
08/17/2022 | Office Printing - Letterhead | 985.00 |
Ohio Department of Taxation |
P.O. Box 530
Columbus, Ohio 432160530 |
08/03/2022 | OH - Withholding | 2.27 |
Oquirrh Mountain Strategies, LLC |
8831 W State Highway
Copperton, Utah 840060000 |
08/17/2022 | Candidate Recruitment & Support Services | 12266.80 |
PA Dept. of Revenue |
PO Box 281101
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171281101 |
08/03/2022 | PA - Withholding | 49.12 |
PA Dept. of Revenue |
PO Box 281101
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171281101 |
08/17/2022 | PA - Withholding | 48.92 |
PA Dept. of Revenue |
PO Box 281101
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171281101 |
08/31/2022 | PA - Withholding | 50.71 |
PayPal Merchant Serrvices |
2211 N. First St.
San Jose, California 951310000 |
08/03/2022 | Merch Processing Fee | 303.60 | 1631401SBSB21B.167927 | MEMO |
PayPal Merchant Serrvices |
2211 N. First St.
San Jose, California 951310000 |
08/31/2022 | Merch Processing Fee | 361.94 |
PNC Bank |
411 King St.
Alexandria, Virginia 223140000 |
08/31/2022 | Bank Service Charge | 36.32 |
QuickBooks Payroll Service |
PO Box 30015
Reno, Nevada 895203015 |
08/03/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 161.75 |
QuickBooks Payroll Service |
PO Box 30015
Reno, Nevada 895203015 |
08/17/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 29.50 |
QuickBooks Payroll Service |
PO Box 30015
Reno, Nevada 895203015 |
08/31/2022 | Payroll Processing Fee | 22.75 |
Roger's Inc. |
10 Roger's Campground Rd
Lancaster, New Hampshire 035840000 |
08/17/2022 | Outreach Event Fee | 360.00 | 1631401SBSB21B.167929 | MEMO |
Round House Sq UOA |
6231 Leesburg Pk #100
Falls Chruch, Virginia 220440000 |
08/01/2022 | Headquarters Account - Association Fee | 215.00 |
Cara Schultz |
30 Walden St.
Burnsville, Minnesota 553370000 |
08/08/2022 | Candidate Recruitment & Support Services | 4000.00 |
Cara Schultz |
30 Walden St.
Burnsville, Minnesota 553370000 |
08/08/2022 | Candidate Recruitment & Support Services | 4000.00 |
Cara L. Schulz |
30 Walden St
Burnsville, Minnesota 553373678 |
08/08/2022 | Travel Reimbursement see Memo | 358.95 |
Southwest Airlines |
PO Box 36662
Dallas, Texas 752356682 |
08/08/2022 | Travel - Air | 458.96 | 1631401SBSB21B.167943 | MEMO |
Standard Life of NY |
485 Madison Ave, 14th floor
New York, New York 100225872 |
08/23/2022 | DBL and PFL Insurance | 392.70 |
Standard Life of NY |
485 Madison Ave, 14th floor
New York, New York 100225872 |
08/25/2022 | DBL and PFL Insurance | 17.74 |
Stripe, Inc. |
510 Townsend Street
San Francisco, California 941030000 |
08/31/2022 | Merch Processing Fee | 2790.99 |
The Mirage Vegas |
3400 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada 891090000 |
08/01/2022 | Staff Travel - Hotel | 3650.78 | 1631401SBSB21B.167930 | MEMO |
Mr. Matthew A. Thexton |
7219 Gordons Rd
Falls Church, Virginia 220430000 |
08/03/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1266.00 |
Mr. Matthew A. Thexton |
7219 Gordons Rd
Falls Church, Virginia 220430000 |
08/17/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1266.00 |
Mr. Matthew A. Thexton |
7219 Gordons Rd
Falls Church, Virginia 220430000 |
08/31/2022 | Employee Net Pay | 1266.00 |
ULine, Inc. |
PO Box 88741
Chicago, Illinois 606801741 |
08/10/2022 | Shipping Supplies | 214.27 | 1631401SBSB21B.167931 | MEMO |
UPS - United Parcel Service |
PO Box 7247-0244
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191700001 |
08/21/2022 | Shipping Services | 21.09 | 1631401SBSB21B.167932 | MEMO |
Vanguard - Ascensus |
PO Box 28067
New York, New York 100878067 |
08/03/2022 | LP 401K Contributions & Match | 2005.28 |
Vanguard - Ascensus |
PO Box 28067
New York, New York 100878067 |
08/31/2022 | LP 401K Contributions & Match | 1620.00 |
Virginia Dept. of Taxation |
PO Box 26644
Richmond, Virginia 232616644 |
08/03/2022 | VA - Withholding | 337.00 |
Virginia Dept. of Taxation |
PO Box 26644
Richmond, Virginia 232616644 |
08/17/2022 | VA - Unemployment Company | 7.31 |
Virginia Dept. of Taxation |
PO Box 26644
Richmond, Virginia 232616644 |
08/17/2022 | VA - Withholding | 337.00 |
Virginia Dept. of Taxation |
PO Box 26644
Richmond, Virginia 232616644 |
08/31/2022 | VA - Unemployment Company | 24.22 |
Virginia Dept. of Taxation |
PO Box 26644
Richmond, Virginia 232616644 |
08/31/2022 | VA - Withholding | 337.00 |
Zoom Video Communications, Inc. |
55 Almaden Boulevard, 6th Floor
San Jose, California 951130000 |
08/03/2022 | Video Conf Services | 1626.45 | 1631401SBSB21B.167933 | MEMO |
BRISTOL, Pennsylvania 19007 |
08/31/2022 | Contribution to Candidate FEC C00795583 | 4000.00 |
Troy Alan Carstensen |
11387 Marshall St
Westminster, Colorado 800203013 |
08/12/2022 | Contribution Refund | 300.10 |
Committee to Elect Brittany Kosin |
2265 Sand Trap Rd
Jamison, Pennsylvania 189290000 |
08/31/2022 | Donation for Candidate Support - Non Fed | 5000.00 |
Larry Sharpe for Governor |
23-14 24th Ave
Queens, New York 111020000 |
08/31/2022 | Donation for Candidate Ballot Challenge | 15000.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 185975.99 |
Total Memo Amount | 29327.9 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 99 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 31 |