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Federal Election Commission


All Listed Line Numbers


Contributor's Name Contributor's Address Employer/Occupation Memo/Description Memo Text Date Amount ($) Aggregate ($) Limits
Ross Hendrickson 201 South Sunset Avenue
Chanute, Kansas 667201576
Self / Rancher
09/05/2023 365.00 365.00
Tierra Duke 132 Dehaven Street
Milton Freewater, Oregon 978621325
Self / Rancher
09/06/2023 895.00 935.00
Logan Perry 511 SE 2nd Ave,
Okeechobee, Florida 349744311
Self / Rancher
09/07/2023 365.00 1135.00
Chad McCormick 2765 N Road M
Ulysses, Kansas 678807900
Self / Rancher
09/07/2023 250.00 790.00
Brandon McClenton 3283 Lane Oak Rd
West Point, Mississippi 39773
Self / Farmer
09/11/2023 100.00 450.00
Thane Milenski 33749 County Road LL
Mc Clave, Colorado 810579748
Self / Rancher
09/11/2023 150.00 2990.00
Jack Cowen PO Box 256
Benjamin, Texas 795050256
Self / Rancher
09/12/2023 2775.00 2815.00
Bradley Mills 284 Barfield Rd
Mooresville, North Carolina 281159313
Self / Agriculture
09/13/2023 365.00 565.00
Mike Thoren Five Rivers Ranch Cattle Feeding 22408 County Rd 1
Berthoud, Colorado 805139115
Self employed / Agriculture
09/13/2023 500.00 1500.00
Charles D Davidson 724 Garland St
Little Rock, Arkansas 722011313
Self / Agriculture
09/14/2023 500.00 500.00
Rawl Overstreet 4855 Joe Overstreet Rd
Kenansville, Florida 347399794
Self / Agriculture
09/14/2023 500.00 500.00
Jacob Neal Larson PO Box 2122
Okeechobee, Florida 34973
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/15/2023 500.00 500.00
William F Lipscomb 1153 Lipscomb Rd
Prattville, Alabama 360676607
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/18/2023 365.00 565.00
Mike Gates 1165 N State Road 55
Attica, Indiana 479187829
Self / Agriculture
09/18/2023 365.00 365.00
Robert Meinig 31569 Indianapolis Rd
Paola, Kansas 660714796
Self / Agriculture
09/18/2023 365.00 365.00
Brenda Reeve PO Box 1036
Garden City, Kansas 678461036
Self / Cattle Feeder
09/18/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Edwin Rohde 4402 Rohde Road
Okeechobee, Florida 349729174
Self / Rancher
09/18/2023 500.00 500.00
Galen Furstenau 84996 532 Ave
Tilden, Nebraska 687818052
Self / Agriculture
09/18/2023 199.00 398.00
Mr. Martin R Harris, Jr. 100 Tyler Ranch Road
Jourdanton, Texas 780265445
Self / Rancher
09/18/2023 1000.00 2000.00
David Latta PO Box 945
Pratt, Kansas 671240945
Pratt Feeders / Agriculture
09/18/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Donald Hauser 526 1800th Street
Humboldt, Kansas 667483244
Self / Rancher
09/18/2023 365.00 365.00
Chip Harrigan Orange Hill Farms 1361 Asbury Road
Grove Hill, Alabama 364513154
Self employed / Agriculture
09/18/2023 500.00 500.00
Steve Rehder 7655 Avenue D
Hawarden, Iowa 51023
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/18/2023 400.00 400.00
Wesley A Spurlock PO Box 840
Stratford, Texas 790840840
Self / Rancher
09/18/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Sheri Spader 7018 County Rd 181
Rosendale, Missouri 644839296
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/18/2023 80.00 760.00
Hunter Ihrman 4860 Eisenhower Ave Unit 385
Alexandria, Virginia 223047347
NCBA / Communications
09/18/2023 100.00 500.00
Tanner Beymer 815 18th St S #507
Arlington, Virginia 222022636
NCBA / Lobbyist
09/18/2023 100.00 900.00
Bonnie Baker-Goodwin PO Box 223
Rocksprings, Texas 788800223
Self / Rancher
09/18/2023 200.00 400.00
Shane Platt 3332 Cecil Whaley Road
Saint Cloud, Florida 347727622
Self / Agriculture
09/18/2023 200.00 400.00
Derrell Shawcroft 14236 St Hwy 15
La Jara, Colorado 81140
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 450.00 815.00
Vic Choate PO Box 1521
San Angelo, Texas 76904
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 200.00 400.00
Ralph Jones Jones Ranches PO Box 228
Midland, South Dakota 575520228
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/19/2023 500.00 1000.00
Willis Lowry 612 Tree Beard
Kingsville, Texas 78363
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 1000.00 3500.00
Lee & Karla Meteer 9345 Mosquito Creek Rd
Blue Mound, Illinois 625137011
Self / Agriculture
09/19/2023 200.00 400.00
Jolene Moxon 24777 Holl Road
Malin, Oregon 976329703
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 365.00 730.00
Tripp Carter 17300 S Walnut Grove Road
Kirkland, Arizona 86332
Slef / Rancher
09/19/2023 500.00 500.00
Bryce Wilkerson PO Box 568
Johnson, Kansas 678550568
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 365.00 365.00
Donald Knight 3310 Harvest View
Marion, Texas 781241403
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/19/2023 500.00 1000.00
Johnny Trotter Bar-G Feedyard 3409 FM 1058
Hereford, Texas 790457417
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/19/2023 2500.00 5000.00
Jana Trotter 3409 FM 2058
Hereford, Texas 79045
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 2500.00 2500.00
Robert Crews PO Box 1961
Avon Park, Florida 338261961
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Stephen P Smith 12610 County Road D
Pampa, Texas 79065
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Gene Scivally Pecos Cattle Co. 1506 S. Lamar St.
Amarillo, Texas 791022318
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/19/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Frank Terrell 1826 County Road 393
Stephenville, Texas 764019118
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 100.00 600.00
Greg Buckman 14601 N Route U
Hallsville, Missouri 652559391
Self / Agriculture
09/19/2023 365.00 2465.00
Robert McClaren PO Box 792
Cameron, Texas 765200792
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 2500.00 2500.00
Bob & Nancy Hayter PO Box 820
Fort Stockton, Texas 797350820
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 2500.00 3500.00
Tony Schiffer Milliron Livestock PO Box 894
Buffalo, Wyoming 82834
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/19/2023 200.00 400.00
Dudley Donahue 784 310th
Durham, Kansas 674386041
Self / Agriculture
09/19/2023 250.00 250.00
Jarrod Gillig 990 Tumbleweed Rd
Blue Rapids, Kansas 664118647
Self / Rancher
09/19/2023 250.00 250.00
Norm Pilger 2135 Road 20
Wallace, Kansas 67761
Self / Rancher
09/20/2023 365.00 365.00
John Ames 28024 N. 156th Street
Scottsdale, Arizona 85262
Self / Rancher
09/20/2023 500.00 500.00
Janine Martin 23090 W Ash Creek Road
Willcox, Arizona 856437526
Self / Rancher
09/20/2023 365.00 1230.00
Janine Martin 23090 W Ash Creek Road
Willcox, Arizona 856437526
Self / Rancher
09/20/2023 500.00 1730.00
Mike & Patricia Taylor PO Box 398
Echo, Oregon 978260398
Self / Rancher
09/20/2023 365.00 365.00
Davis Wulf 48128 320th St
Morris, Minnesota 562674378
Self / Rancher
09/20/2023 1000.00 2000.00
Maurice Erickson Erickson Ranch 972A 220th Street
Eureka, Kansas 670454309
Self-employed / Agriculture
09/20/2023 500.00 1000.00
Gerry Heilskov 1378 Mallard Ave
Hampton, Iowa 504417468
Self / Agriculture
09/20/2023 365.00 735.00
Linda Lawrence Dalton 127 Grandimere Drive
Danville, Virginia 245416883
Self / Agriculture
09/22/2023 365.00 730.00
Todd Milton 6915 W 47th Street
Kearney, Nebraska 68845
Self / Rancher
09/22/2023 500.00 500.00
Gene Harris 11820 10th St NW
Killdeer, North Dakota 58640
Self employed / Agriculture
09/22/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Mr. Fred Hartt PO Box 1946
Sebring, Florida 338711946
Self / Agriculture
09/22/2023 500.00 500.00
Lonnie Humpal E & L Farms 11098 Highway 151
Anamosa, Iowa 522057306
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 365.00 365.00
David D Davenport 19603 S Harrelson Dr
Belton, Missouri 640127612
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 500.00 500.00
Mindy Newell 5966 Hobbie Rd
Montgomery, Alabama 361056828
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 365.00 365.00
James Powell 36 W Beauregard Ave Ste 301
San Angelo, Texas 769036370
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 150.00 250.00
Jennings Steen 5316 Hwy 290 W Suite 340
Austin, Texas 787358934
Self / Rancher
09/25/2023 250.00 250.00
Leslie Callahan 5901 Old Fredericksburg Rd Ste A-1
Austin, Texas 787491210
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 250.00 250.00
Reggie Bollinger 650 S 210th
Pittsburg, Kansas 667628603
Self / Rancher
09/25/2023 365.00 365.00
Sara Bundy 1580 S River Road
St. George, Utah 84790
Self / Rancher
09/25/2023 200.00 400.00
William Brandt PO Box 118
Brawley, California 92227
Self / rancher
09/25/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Jack Field PO Box 9494
Yakima, Washington 989090494
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 100.00 465.00
Jerry McDonald 310 Walkers Creek Rd
Rockbridge Baths, Virginia 244732201
Self / Farmer
09/25/2023 250.00 250.00
James Housden 4176 Silling Road
Dayton, Virginia 228212064
Self / Agriculture
09/25/2023 200.00 400.00
Ronald Roberts 5098 S Haythorn Rd
Maxwell, Nebraska 691511007
Self / Rancher
09/25/2023 200.00 400.00
RD Farr 501 S Johnstone
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003
Self / Rancher
09/25/2023 200.00 700.00
William White White Ranch PO Box 35
Stowell, Texas 776610035
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/26/2023 1000.00 1000.00
John C Korbell 745 E Mulberry Ave. Ste 200
San Antonio, Texas 782123166
Slef / Rancher
09/26/2023 500.00 1000.00
Mickey Poe 2020 Mount Moriah Rd
Dallas, Georgia 301321012
Self / Rancher
09/26/2023 500.00 500.00
Jesse Human 12 N 250 W
Jerome, Idaho 833385360
Self / Rancher
09/26/2023 1000.00 3000.00
Roberto Fulbright PO Box 205
Hebbronville, Texas 78361
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/26/2023 500.00 500.00
Madelon L Bradshaw 2120 Ridgmar Blvd Ste 12
Fort Worth, Texas 761162200
Self / Agriculture
09/27/2023 200.00 300.00
Paul Seeley, Jr 1041 Fairway Dr No 2
Eureka, Kansas 670452305
Self / Agriculture
09/27/2023 200.00 300.00
Calvin Stewart HC 62 Box 64
Zenia, California 955959602
Self / Rancher
09/27/2023 500.00 1000.00
Mark B Kayser, Jr 12260 Fairview Rd
Ellensburg, Washington 989266937
Self / Agriculture
09/27/2023 1000.00 1000.00
Edward Mitchell 3747 Peachtree Rd Apt 2522
Atlanta, Georgia 303191350
Self / Farmer
09/27/2023 250.00 250.00
Frank Krentz PO Box 1053
Douglas, Arizona 85608
Krentz Ranch / Rancher
09/28/2023 500.00 500.00
Duncan McCormick 1 Esperson Court
Rio Vista, California 945711549
Self / Rancher
09/28/2023 500.00 500.00
John Lacey Lacey Livestock PO Box 9
Paso Robles, California 934470009
Self Employed / Agriculture
09/29/2023 500.00 500.00
Anna Lee 5134 Woodford Drive
Centreville, Virginia 201201380
NCBA / PAC Director
09/30/2023 8.32 1136.88
Kent Bacus 5300 Holmes Run Parkway #216
Alexandria, Virginia 223042837
NCBA / Lobbyist
09/30/2023 84.00 1916.00
Eric Moore 5637 S Louthan St.
Littleton, Colorado 801201206
NCBA / Director of Compliance
09/30/2023 83.32 762.40
Doug Evans 9110 E Nichols Ave Ste 300
Centennial, Colorado 801123425
Self / Agriculture
09/30/2023 100.00 900.00
Ethan Lane 1657 Hunting Creek Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 223146219
NCBA / Lobbyist
09/30/2023 100.00 1400.00
Steven Johnson 912 N Lebanon Street
Arlington, Virginia 222051434
NCBA / Communications Director
09/30/2023 83.32 749.88

Total Donation Amount (Non-Memo) $51577.96
Total Memo Amount $0
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) 95
Number of Transactions (Memo) 0

Generated Thu Feb 13 06:49:26 2025