Line #: 17
Disbursement To | Address | Election Type | Date of Disbursement | Extra Description | Amount This Period | Text | Memo |
A Casual Encounter Catering |
201 W 48th Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99517 |
08/22/2019 | Reception Caterer | 5832.61 |
Alaska Waste |
6301 Rosewood St
Anchorage, Alaska 995181940 |
08/07/2019 | Refuse Service | 52.08 |
American Assn of Orthopaedic Surgeons |
317 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC 200025769 |
09/23/2019 | Facilities Rent | 261.30 |
Anchorage Waste Water Utility |
PO Box 196626
Anchorage, Alaska 995196626 |
07/15/2019 | Water & Sewer | 31.27 |
Anchorage Waste Water Utility |
PO Box 196626
Anchorage, Alaska 995196626 |
08/05/2019 | Water & Sewer | 66.84 |
Anchorage Waste Water Utility |
PO Box 196626
Anchorage, Alaska 995196626 |
08/29/2019 | Water & Sewer | 11.24 |
Anchorage Waste Water Utility |
PO Box 196626
Anchorage, Alaska 995196626 |
09/23/2019 | Water & Sewer | 31.34 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
07/02/2019 | Transaction Fee | 10.05 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
07/05/2019 | Transaction Fee | 19.80 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
07/12/2019 | Transaction Fee | 39.30 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
07/24/2019 | Transaction Fee | 19.80 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
07/26/2019 | Transaction Fee | 19.80 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
08/15/2019 | Transaction Fee | 10.05 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
08/19/2019 | Transaction Fee | 82.80 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
08/29/2019 | Transaction Fee | 39.30 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
09/04/2019 | Transaction Fee | 49.35 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
09/12/2019 | Transaction Fee | 78.30 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
09/20/2019 | Transaction Fee | 29.85 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
09/24/2019 | Transaction Fee | 49.35 |
Anedot Credit |
5555 Hilton Ave
Ste 106
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 708082597 |
09/26/2019 | Transaction Fee | 10.05 |
Aristotle Publishing |
205 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200031164 |
07/25/2019 | Computer Software & Support | 1950.00 |
Aristotle Publishing |
205 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 200031164 |
08/01/2019 | Computer Software & Support | 2450.00 |
Bank of America |
PO Box 851001
Dallas, Texas 752851001 |
08/22/2019 | SEE BELOW | 1249.46 |
Monroe Foundation |
PO Box 71620
Fairbanks, Alaska 997071620 |
08/22/2019 | HIPOW Dinner | 500.00 |
Brown Jug Warehouse |
4140 Old Seward Hwy
Anchorage, Alaska 995036030 |
08/22/2019 | Fundraiser Costs | 665.56 |
Bank of America |
PO Box 851001
Dallas, Texas 752851001 |
08/29/2019 | Campaign Meals | 112.00 |
Bank of America |
PO Box 851001
Dallas, Texas 752851001 |
09/12/2019 | Campaign Meals | 181.16 |
Bank of America |
PO Box 851001
Dallas, Texas 752851001 |
09/16/2019 | Office Supplies | 79.98 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 1st St SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
07/15/2019 | Campaign Meals | 205.00 |
Capitol Hill Club |
300 1st St SE
Washington, DC 200031801 |
08/19/2019 | Campaign Meals | 79.00 |
Castillo Services |
PO Box 230112
Anchorage, Alaska 995230112 |
08/19/2019 | Office Janitorial Services | 600.00 |
Castillo Services |
PO Box 230112
Anchorage, Alaska 995230112 |
09/19/2019 | Office Janitorial Services | 300.00 |
Cornerstone Card Services |
1835 Bragaw St
Ste 500
Anchorage, Alaska 995083488 |
07/02/2019 | Visa Merchant Fees | 35.95 |
Cornerstone Card Services |
1835 Bragaw St
Ste 500
Anchorage, Alaska 995083488 |
08/02/2019 | Visa Merchant Fees | 35.95 |
Cornerstone Card Services |
1835 Bragaw St
Ste 500
Anchorage, Alaska 995083488 |
09/03/2019 | Visa Merchant Fees | 190.04 |
Enstar |
3000 Spenard Rd
Anchorage, Alaska 995033606 |
08/22/2019 | Natural Gas | 16.03 |
PO Box 99016
Anchorage, Alaska 995099016 |
07/15/2019 | Telephone & Internet Services | 325.26 |
PO Box 99016
Anchorage, Alaska 995099016 |
08/19/2019 | Telephone & Internet Services | 330.76 |
PO Box 99016
Anchorage, Alaska 995099016 |
09/19/2019 | Telephone & Internet Services | 343.43 |
Holmes Weddle & Barcott |
701 W 8th Ave
Ste 700
Anchorage, Alaska 995013468 |
09/19/2019 | Campaign Legal Fees | 91.50 |
Municipal Light & Power |
1200 E 1st Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 995011658 |
08/07/2019 | Electricity | 131.32 |
Municipal Light & Power |
1200 E 1st Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 995011658 |
08/29/2019 | Electricity | 99.76 |
Municipality of Anchorage |
PO Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 995196650 |
08/01/2019 | Real Estate Taxes | 2013.10 |
Must Read Alaska |
3201 C St
Ste 308
Anchorage, Alaska 995033963 |
07/22/2019 | Digital Media Advertising | 500.00 |
Must Read Alaska |
3201 C St
Ste 308
Anchorage, Alaska 995033963 |
08/29/2019 | Digital Media Advertising | 1000.00 |
Azabel Ordaz |
806 W 57th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 995181501 |
07/09/2019 | Net Payroll | 57.41 |
Azabel Ordaz |
806 W 57th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 995181501 |
08/21/2019 | Net Payroll | 91.85 |
Azabel Ordaz |
806 W 57th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 995181501 |
09/09/2019 | Stamps | 15.00 |
Azabel Ordaz |
806 W 57th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 995181501 |
09/09/2019 | Stamps | 80.37 |
Truman Reed |
1263 First St. SE
Washington, DC 200034516 |
09/12/2019 | Campaign Finance School Tuition | 368.69 |
Reprise Consulting |
25452 Brickell Dr
Chantilly, Virginia 201522041 |
07/02/2019 | Consulting Fee | 2996.82 |
Reprise Consulting |
25452 Brickell Dr
Chantilly, Virginia 201522041 |
08/01/2019 | Consulting Fee | 2500.00 |
Reprise Consulting |
25452 Brickell Dr
Chantilly, Virginia 201522041 |
08/05/2019 | Fundraising Costs | 3479.47 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
07/15/2019 | Accounting Services | 1350.00 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
07/31/2019 | Accounting Services | 1350.00 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
08/19/2019 | Accounting Services | 1350.00 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
08/19/2019 | AK Bienniel Report & Office Supplies | 32.22 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
08/29/2019 | Office Supplies | 119.48 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
08/30/2019 | Accounting Services | 1350.00 |
Robert Bohnert |
7362 W Parks Hwy
# 771
Wasilla, Alaska 996239300 |
09/15/2019 | Accounting Services | 1350.00 |
TNT Bulk Mailing |
360 E Intl Airport Rd
Ste 6
Anchorage, Alaska 995181217 |
07/15/2019 | Mailing Services | 139.15 |
TNT Bulk Mailing |
360 E Intl Airport Rd
Ste 6
Anchorage, Alaska 995181217 |
08/07/2019 | Mailing Services | 139.41 |
U.S. Postmaster |
Main Post Office
Anchorage, Alaska 99510 |
08/29/2019 | Postage Stamps | 150.00 |
Wells Fargo Bank |
PO Box 196127
Anchorage, Alaska 995196127 |
07/23/2019 | Bank Charges | 7.66 |
Wells Fargo Bank |
PO Box 196127
Anchorage, Alaska 995196127 |
07/31/2019 | Bank Charges | 2.00 |
Wells Fargo Bank |
PO Box 196127
Anchorage, Alaska 995196127 |
08/19/2019 | Bank Charges | 12.00 |
Wells Fargo Bank |
PO Box 196127
Anchorage, Alaska 995196127 |
08/30/2019 | Bank Charges | 2.00 |
Wells Fargo Bank |
PO Box 196127
Anchorage, Alaska 995196127 |
09/30/2019 | Bank Charges | 2.00 |
Donald E Young |
PO Box 100298
Anchorage, Alaska 995100298 |
07/25/2019 | Fundraiser Costs | 331.60 |
Donald E Young |
PO Box 100298
Anchorage, Alaska 995100298 |
08/12/2019 | Intern Lunch | 160.00 |
Donald E Young |
PO Box 100298
Anchorage, Alaska 995100298 |
08/12/2019 | Travel Expense | 737.07 |
Donald E Young |
PO Box 100298
Anchorage, Alaska 995100298 |
09/09/2019 | Travel Expense | 656.80 |
Donald E Young |
PO Box 100298
Anchorage, Alaska 995100298 |
09/12/2019 | Intern Lunch | 160.00 |
Donald E Young |
PO Box 100298
Anchorage, Alaska 995100298 |
09/19/2019 | Ad Miss AK Pagent | 200.00 |
Total Disbursement Amount (Non-Memo) | 38255.18 |
Total Memo Amount | 1165.56 |
Number of Transactions (Non-Memo) | 72 |
Number of Transactions (Memo) | 2 |