FILING FEC-1368465
1. Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas Political Action Committee (dba RNG PAC)
1017 L Street, Suite 513Sacramento, CA 95814
Email: federalcompliance@nossaman.com;david@rngcoalition.com
NOTE: Email address is different than previously reported
2. Date: 12/30/2019
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00677757 This committee is a separate segregated fund. Its connected organization is a Trade AssociationAffiliated Committees/Organizations
Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas1017 L Street, Suite 513
Sacramento, California 95814
Affiliated Relationship Code: Connected Organization
Custodian of Records:
Fredrick T. Dombo1401 New York Avenue NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Title: Custodian of Records
Phone # (202) 887-1485
David Cox1017 L Street, Suite 513
Sacramento, California 95814
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (916) 588-3033
Designated Agent(s):
Fredrick T. Dombo1401 New York Avenue NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Title: Assistant Treasurer
Phone # (202) 887-1485
Banks or Depositories
Capitol Bank of Maryland2275 Research Boulevard, Suite 600
Rockville, Maryland 20850