FILING FEC-1666808
1. IPC International, Inc. PAC (AKA IPC PAC)
1331 Pennsylvania Ave.NWSuite 625 South
Washington, DC 20004
Email: fecinfo@pass1.com;chrismitchell@ipc.org
NOTE: Email address is different than previously reported
2. Date: 12/07/2022
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00555250 This committee is a separate segregated fund. Its connected organization is a Trade AssociationIn addition, this committee is a Lobbyist/Registrant PAC.
Affiliated Committees/Organizations
Committee ID# C00555250IPC International, Inc.
3000 Lakeside Drive 105 N
Bannockburn, Illinois 60015
Affiliated Relationship Code: Connected Organization
Custodian of Records:
Vincent Tallman1950 Roland Clarke Place/Ste. 300
Reston, VA 20191
Title: Custodian of Records
Phone # (703) 476-3070
Vincent Tallman1950 Roland Clarke Place/Ste. 300
Reston, Virginia 20191
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (703) 476-3070
Designated Agent(s):
Chris Mitchell1331 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Suite 625 South
Washington, DC 20004
Title: Assistant Treasurer
Phone # (202) 661-8097
Banks or Depositories
Burke & Herbert Bank1100 South Fairfax Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314