1. VoteTipton.Com
PO Box 140358Denver, CO 802140358
Email: waynecole@qwestoffice.net
2. Date: 09/30/2010
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00470757 This committee is a Principal Campaign Committee. Candidate: Scott R. TiptonParty: Republican Party
Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is Colorado in District: 03
Affiliated Committees/Organizations
Committee ID# C00488973Colorado Majority Committee
PO Box 365
Mclean, Virginia 221010365
Affiliated Relationship Code: Joint Fundraising Representative
Committee ID# C00461764
The Independence Caucus PAC
793 Orchard Drive
Pleasant Grove, Utah 840623708
Affiliated Relationship Code: Joint Fundraising Representative
Committee ID# C00470427
CO-03 Congressional Victory Committee
264 N Lumpkin Street
Suite 202
Athens, Georgia 306012832
Affiliated Relationship Code: Affiliated Committee
Custodian of Records:
Andrea Hough217 W 1st Avenue
Denver, CO 802231507
Title: Custodian of Records
Phone # (303) 596-5626
A. Wayne ColemanPO Box 1720
Cortez, Colorado 813211720
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (970) 565-3741
Designated Agent(s):
Banks or Depositories
Vectra Bank Colorado350 W Monterey Avenue
Cortez, Colorado 81321
Central Bank, American Fork Office
PO Box 157
American Fork, Utah 840030157
Sun Trust Bank
PO Box 4418
Atlanta, Georgia 303024418
BB&T Bank
300 S Washington Street
Alexandria, Virginia 223145403