FILING FEC-1337332
1. Friends of Mark Warner
1751 Potomac Greens DriveAlexandria, VA 223146233
Email: katie@markwarnerva.com
2. Date: 07/09/2019
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00438713 This committee is a Principal Campaign Committee. Candidate: Mark R WarnerParty: Democratic Party
Office Sought: Senate
State is DC in District: 00
Affiliated Committees/Organizations
Committee ID# C00693465Warner Action Fund
1751 Potomac Greens Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 223146233
Affiliated Relationship Code: Joint Fundraising Representative
Committee ID# C00693473
Warner Victory Fund
1751 Potomac Greens Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 223146233
Affiliated Relationship Code: Joint Fundraising Representative
Committee ID# C00698548
Senate Impact 2020
120 Maryland Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20002
Affiliated Relationship Code: Joint Fundraising Representative
Committee ID# C00695833
Blue Senate 2020
918 Pennsylvania Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20003
Affiliated Relationship Code: Joint Fundraising Representative
Custodian of Records:
Katherine M Buchanan1751 Potomac Greens Drive
Alexandria, VA 223146233
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (202) 423-4742
Katherine M Buchanan1751 Potomac Greens Dr
Alexandria, Virginia 223146233
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (202) 423-4742
Designated Agent(s):
Katherine M Buchanan1751 Potomac Greens Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 223146233
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (202) 423-4742
Banks or Depositories
Wells Fargo1753 Pinnacle Drive
Third Floor
McLean, Virginia 22102
Amalgamated Bank
1825 K Street, NW
Suite 650
Washington, DC 20006
Woodsboro Bank
5 N Main Street
Woodsboro, Maryland 21798