FILING FEC-1160616
1. National Right to Life Political Action Committee
512 10th Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20004
Email: wcockfield@hotmail.com;kcross@nrlc.org
NOTE: Email address is different than previously reported
2. Date: 04/28/2017
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00111278This committee supports/opposes more than one Federal candidate and is NOT a separate segregated fund or a party committee.
In addition, this committee is a Lobbyist/Registrant PAC.
Affiliated Committees/Organizations
National Right to Life Committee
512 10th St NW
Washington, DC 200041401
Affiliated Relationship Code: Connected Organization
Custodian of Records:
Amarie Natividad
512 10th St NW
Washington, DC 200041401
Title: Custodian of Records
Phone # (202) 626-8816
Wayne Cockfield
512 10th St NW
Washington, DC 200041401
Title: Treasurer
Designated Agent(s):
Jacki Ragan
512 10th St NW
Washington, DC 200041401
Title: Designated Agent
Banks or Depositories
Wachovia Bank
1753 Pinnacle Dr.
McLean, Virginia 22102
Wachovia Bank
1753 Pinnacle Drive
McLean, Virginia 22102
Signed: Wayne Cockfield
Date Signed: 04/28/2017
Official Committee URL: www.nrlc.org
(End FEC FORM 1)
Date Signed: 04/28/2017
Official Committee URL: www.nrlc.org