FILING FEC-1525320
1. American Crystal Sugar Company Political Action Committee
101 North 3rd StreetMoorhead, MN 565601990
Email: jaericks@crystalsugar.com;lmaloy@crystalsugar.com
2. Date: 03/24/2009
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00110338 This committee is a separate segregated fund. Its connected organization is a CooperativeIn addition, this committee is a Lobbyist/Registrant PAC.
Affiliated Committees/Organizations
American Crystal Sugar Compay101 North Third Street
Moorhead, Minnesota 56560
Affiliated Relationship Code: Connected Organization
Custodian of Records:
Lisa Maloy101 3rd St N
Moorhead, MN 56560
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (218) 236-4404
Lisa Maloy101 North Third Street
Moorhead, Minnesota 56560
Title: Treasurer
Phone # (218) 236-4404
Designated Agent(s):
Steve Rosenau101 3rd St N
American Crystal Sugar
Moorhead, Minnesota 56560
Title: Assistant Treasurer
Phone # (218) 236-4400
Kevin Price
50 F Street, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20001
Title: VP of Govt Affairs
Phone # (202) 879-0804
Banks or Depositories
Wells Fargo430 Center Ave.
Moorhead, Minnesota 56560