Buying Time
650 Massachusetts Ave NWSte 210
Washington, DC 200013728
Purpose of Expenditure: Advertising
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Larry Pressler
Candidate ID: S8SD00024
Office Sought: Senate
State is South Dakota in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/15/2014
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/15/2014
Person Completing Form: David Donnelly
Date Signed = 10/16/2014
Amount Expended = $149457.50
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $609554.15
Every Voice
1133 19th St NWFl 9
Washington, DC 200363612
Purpose of Expenditure: Social Media Advertisement Costs
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Larry Pressler
Candidate ID: S8SD00024
Office Sought: Senate
State is South Dakota in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/15/2014
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/15/2014
Person Completing Form: David Donnelly
Date Signed = 10/16/2014
Amount Expended = $1000.00
Calendar YTD Per Election for Office Sought = $609554.15
Murphy Vogel Askew Reilly LLC
1199 N Fairfax StSte 220
Alexandria, Virginia 223141437
Purpose of Expenditure: Advertising Production
Name of Federal Candidate supported or opposed by expenditure: Larry Pressler
Candidate ID: S8SD00024
Office Sought: Senate
State is South Dakota in District
Date of Disbursement or Obligation = 10/15/2014
Date of Public Distribution/Dissemination = 10/15/2014
Person Completing Form: David Donnelly
Date Signed = 10/16/2014